Submissions Wishlist Posted!

I’m opening back up to submissions today, so I thought it was a good idea to post my updated submissions wishlist! You can view it here, but these are the highlights:


Humor! Not slapstick, but just… FUNNY. Funny voice, funny characters—maybe a slightly ridiculous but totally high-concept plot.

Contemporary family stories.

Queer and trans/nonbinary characters in fun settings.

More fantasy adventure! Commercial, fun, wild, and magical.

Something for that tricky space between MG and YA… Let’s break the mold.


Super high-concept contemporary.

Older YA, especially about teens who decide against college.

Emotionally-fraught thrillers and mysteries, crimes! But deeply personal, grounded.

Fantasy about a layperson in the magical world (as opposed to royals).

Experimental, inventive storytelling devices!


My door is wide open for Palestinian authors, Indigenous authors, Black authors, disabled (including neurodivergent and neuroatypical) authors, trans femme authors, and all the intersections. Always open to all marginalized identities, but I specifically wanted to highlight these communities.


To send me a submission, use the form on QueryManager here. However, if the form is not accessible for you, you can also query me by email at My guidelines can be found here, but the gist is:

Email me your query letter and first 10 pages, both pasted in the body of the email. For your subject line, please put your book title and the category and genre of the work you are submitting.

Thank you!


[CLOSED] Freelance Reader Wanted — Paid


Peter Lopez signed